Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • Four legged Airmen: Key to safety and security

    On Jan. 8, 2020, one of the gates on Peterson Air Force Base closed, causing increased traffic and backups for individuals trying to navigate in and around Marksheffel and Peterson Road. This was due to a military working dog indicating within seconds that a vehicle was trying to enter the

  • Parents’ worst nightmare

    The phone call to their Grand Junction, Colorado home came Feb. 18, 2012. The person on the other end of the line asked Kliffa Hall if her husband, Dennis, was there. When he answered, the caller asked if a colonel had spoken to him. Dennis said no. The caller said she must have gotten the wrong

  • ADC, SVC provide independent legal assistance

    For Airmen seeking confidential and independent legal representation not affiliated with any base legal office or wing, the Area Defense Counsel and Special Victims Counsel are free resources available to help.

  • Condor Crest exercise tests 21 SW resiliency

    Several exercises took place across the 21st Space Wing at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, for Condor Crest, May 14 - 17, 2018. Condor Crest is conducted twice a year to keep Airmen alert for any situation.

  • 10th Space Warning Squadron Change of Command

    Col. Devin Pepper, 21st Operations Group Commander, congratulates the inbound Commander of the 10th Space Warning Squadron, Lt Col Stephen Hobbs, at a change of command ceremony, June 23, 2017, at Cavalier Air Force Station, N.D. The 10th SWS operates and maintains the world's most capable