While adhering to the policy of “maximum disclosure, minimum delay,” PA ensures information intended for public release neither adversely affects national security nor threatens the safety, security, or privacy of Department of the Air Force personnel. Information is not withheld from release merely to protect the Department of the Air Force from criticism or embarrassment. It also ensures that information is technically accurate, non-proprietary, free of information about critical military technology and conforms to Department of Defense and military service policies.
Purpose of Security and Policy Review
Security and policy review represents an ongoing effort to inform and increase public understanding of the mission, operations, and programs of the Department of the Air Force. The purpose of the security review is to protect classified information, controlled unclassified sensitive information, unclassified information that may individually, or in aggregate, lead to an unauthorized disclosure, or controlled unclassified information that could adversely impact national and operational security. The purpose of policy review is to ensure no conflict exists with established Department of the Air Force, DoD, or other U.S. government agency policies.
Material that Requires Submission
DoDI 5230.09, Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release, requires that information proposed for public release relating to the plans, policies, programs, or operations of DoD or U.S. government be sent through PA channels to the appropriate echelon for review. Whether information is prepared as an official release or a personal enterprise, it must be reviewed and cleared before release. Originators must ensure disclaimers accompany all documents they authorize in a private capacity. An appropriate disclaimer is: “The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.”
Contractors. Contractors must submit material proposed for public release for review according to valid contract requirements as specified in DD Form 254, Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification, DoD 5220.22-R, and DoD 5220.22- M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual. (T-0).
Academic Public Release Policy. DoD gives its personnel assigned in an academic environment the widest latitude to express personal views. To ensure a climate of academic freedom and to encourage intellectual expression, students and faculty members assigned or attached to a military academy, college, university, or DoD leadership school are not required to submit papers or material prepared for internal use in response to academic requirements. If the papers or material are intended for public release, to include public library availability, databases, and websites, they must be submitted for security and policy review. (T-1).
Submission of Material
For planning purposes, submitters should normally allow a minimum of 10 work days for security and policy review. The 10-day clock begins when the receiving approval authority receives all required documents. Some complex documents, dissertations, manuscripts, theses, videos, etc., may require HHQ review, including SAF/PA, DOPSR, and other federal agencies, and can take an additional 45-60 days to process. Work days required does not include the date of submission. For guidelines on how to submit material for security and policy review, see AFMAN 35-101, Chapter 8, Security and Policy Review Process.