Peterson SFB: - West Gate: 24/7 - East Gate: Monday - Friday 5 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. - North Gate: Inbound: Monday - Friday 6 a.m. - 9 a.m. Outbound: Monday - Friday 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed weekends, holidays and base down days
Schriever SFB: - North (Enoch) Gate: 24/7 - West (Irwin) Gate: Monday - Friday 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. Closed weekends, holidays and base down days
Cheyenne Mountain SFS: 24/7
Peterson SFB: - West Gate: 24/7 - East Gate: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Commercial Vehicle Inspection Area: 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.) - North Gate: 8 - 11 a.m. inbound, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. outbound
Schriever SFB: - North (Enoch) Gate: 24/7 - West (Irwin) Gate: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Commercial Vehicle Inspection Area: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Peterson SFB: - West Gate: 24/7 - East Gate: CLOSED (Commercial Vehicle Inspection Area: CLOSED) - North Gate: CLOSED
Schriever SFB: - North (Enoch) Gate: 24/7 - West (Irwin) Gate: CLOSED (Commercial Vehicle Inspection Area: CLOSED)
Peterson SFB: - West Gate: 24/7 - East Gate: Closes at [release time + 2 hours] (Commercial Vehicle Inspection Area: CLOSED) - North Gate: Outbound lanes close at [release time + 2 hours]
Schriever SFB: - North (Enoch) Gate: 24/7 - West (Irwin) Gate: Closes at [release time + 2 hours] (Commercial Vehicle Inspection Area: CLOSED)
Peterson SFB: - West Gate: 24/7 - East Gate: CLOSED - North Gate: CLOSED
Schriever SFB: - North (Enoch) Gate: 24/7 - West (Irwin) Gate: CLOSED
INCLEMENT WEATHER REPORTING: NORMAL OPERATIONS, [MMM DD]: After an assessment of current weather conditions and predictions, leadership has determined Peterson, Schriever, and Cheyenne Mountain personnel will report on time. As Weather safety conditions vary widely across the area, individuals with specific commuting concerns should contact their leadership for a risk management assessment and duty determination.
For gate hours, office hours, and personnel guidance, go to: https://www.petersonschriever.spaceforce.mil/SnowCall
INCLEMENT WEATHER REPORTING: 2 HOUR DELAY, [MMM DD]: Peterson, Schriever, and Cheyenne Mountain Non-Mission Essential personnel, regardless of duty hours, depart their residence 2 hours after their normal departure time. As weather safety conditions vary widely across the area, individuals with specific commuting concerns should contact their leadership for a risk management assessment and duty determination.
For gate hours, individual office procedures, and personnel guidance, go to: https://www.petersonschriever.spaceforce.mil/SnowCall
INCLEMENT WEATHER REPORTING: MISSION ESSENTIAL ONLY, [MMM DD]: Peterson, Schriever, Cheyenne Mountain will be mission essential personnel only. As weather safety conditions vary widely across the area, individuals with specific commuting concerns should contact their leadership for a risk management assessment and duty determination.
INCLEMENT WEATHER REPORTING: EARLY RELEASE, [MMM DD]: Peterson, Schriever, Cheyenne Mountain non-mission essential personnel should follow phased-release map beginning with Zone 1 at [release time], Zone 2 at [release time +30mins], and Zone 3 at [release time + 1 hour]. As weather safety conditions vary widely across the area, individuals with specific commuting concerns should contact their leadership for a risk management assessment and duty determination. Normal operating hours will resume on [day/date] unless additional updates are posted.
For the phased-release map, go to: https://www.petersonschriever.spaceforce.mil/Portals/15/SBD%201%20Phased%20Release%20Maps%20for%20Peterson%20Schriever%20and%20Cheyenne%20Mountain_1.pdf
INCLEMENT WEATHER REPORTING: BASE CLOSURE, [MMM DD]: Peterson, Schriever, and Cheyenne Mountain are closed. Only Mission Essential personnel report for duty.
All support services on the installation are closed. This includes the CDC, Commissary, Medical Group, NAF and AAFES facilities.
No delivery services will be permitted on the installation. Installation residents and lodging guests should Shelter-in-Place at their residence/lodging until further notice.
For Snow Call information, go to: https://www.petersonschriever.spaceforce.mil/SnowCall
AAFES hours are not affected by delayed reporting.
Delayed Reporting
Early Release
Base Closure/Mission Essential Only
Open 24/7 via phone.
Base Closure
Mission-Essential Only
Open-Rec at Youth Center:
Base Closures
School Buses
Social Media: Facebook or X
Snow Call Line: 719-556-7669 (SNOW)
Mission-Essential Personnel Commanders and supervisors must ensure their personnel have no doubt about when to report or remain on duty. For purposes of reporting during hazardous weather, commanders will designate personnel as either Mission Essential or Non-Mission Essential: