With respect and thanks

  • Published
  • By Col. Jim Jennings
This has been one of the toughest articles I have ever written. Not because of the topic, but due to the circumstance. My time as vice commander has come to a close and I move on to serve this great nation and Air Force in another capacity.

The past 22 months have been an absolute honor serving with and for each of you. As I think back from my first to last day in the wing many things come to mind. I won't go over all of them because this would turn into a novel.

I was and still am impressed by the enduring dedication of the wing Airmen, civilians and contractors who execute the mission daily. We as leaders ask so much from each of you, and you continue to deliver superior results every time no matter the task. I'm not so insulated nor naïve not to recognize you have sacrificed a part of yourself and/or the family to deliver the requested effect. For that sacrifice, I sincerely thank you and your families.

As the vice commander, I have witnessed daily the challenges of your profession, I know you are busy. There are times when I had to make a tough decision; but the reality is you have the toughest job in this wing, not me. You made my job easy because of your perseverance and support in every endeavor. For the support and innovative methods of thinking to make the mission happen, I thank you.

I am thankful I was given this opportunity. I have learned from each of you and you have made me a better officer and leader.

Teri and I thank you and wish the best to each of you as you continue your adventures in life. We will always cherish the friends and memories we made and are proud to state we served with the finest in the 21st Space Wing.

(Colonel Jennings' last day as the 21st SW vice commander was June 7.)