Security Forces highlights firearm guidelines for Peterson SFB

  • Published
  • By Tim Omdal, Deputy Director

The 21st Security Forces Squadron has noticed a trend involving personal firearms during random vehicle inspections at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado.

Over the past two months, authorities have discovered personnel storing loaded firearms in their vehicles and we want to readdress the rules and regulations with the Peterson SFB community.

Though federal and state laws may authorize many freedoms with regard to firearms, including BB guns and air rifles, the possession, transport and storage of firearms on Peterson SFB is strictly limited.

There are many governing guidelines on the topic, with Department of Air Force Instruction 31-101, Integrated Defense (CUI), being the primary authority. Failure to comply with these governing laws and instructions may subject the offender to apprehension or arrest by appropriate authorities. Punishments may include fines and jail time.

The concealed carry of privately-owned firearms on Peterson SFB is prohibited unless authorized by the commander. Additionally, the possession of privately-owned firearms and ammunition in work centers, common areas, dormitory or visiting living quarters or Temporary Lodging Facilities, is prohibited.

Requirements for storage vary based on your location of residence.

On-base housing residents:

Peterson SFB on-base housing residents must register firearms with 21st SFS armory within 72 hours of arrival or purchase/possession. To register a firearm, complete and return AF Form 1314, Firearms Registration; and DD Form 2760, Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunition; to the armory. Forms can be found online or upon request at the 21st SFS armory.

Information required include the firearm's make, model, serial number and caliber or gauge. Privately-owned firearms or ammunition can only be stored within the residence if they have been registered and approved appropriately.

Personnel must ensure the firearm is stored in an appropriately constructed, locked container, or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device.

Dormitory, visiting quarters and TLF residents:

Peterson SFB dormitory, visiting quarters and TLF residents are required to store their firearms in the 21st SFS armory and must register their firearms using the same documents and procedures mentioned above.

Because these firearms must be stored in the armory, additional paperwork is required in order to document the firearm's condition.

Privately-owned firearms or ammunition are prohibited from the dormitories, TLF and visiting quarters at all times, regardless of whether the firearm is loaded or not.

Transporting procedures:

Personnel must notify the entry controller when they are entering the installation in possession of a privately-owned firearm or ammunition.

Transporting privately-owned firearms and ammunition on Peterson SFB is prohibited, except when traveling to or from an authorized shooting area or storage facility, i.e. the armory or owner’s residence.

Privately-owned firearms may not be transported in any manner so as to be considered "concealed” such as under the seat or partially hidden. The firearm must be unloaded and remain in the trunk of the vehicle. The firearm must be cleared and safe, with the breech open.

We recommend an additional safety device for the firearm such as a tamper-resistant mechanical lock. Ammunition must be transported in a separate compartment or container.

The firearm should not be left unattended, and must remain under the supervision of an adult, 18 years of age or older, who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm.

In the event the vehicle transporting the weapon does not have a trunk, e.g., Jeep, truck, etc., the weapon must be unloaded, out of arm's reach, and within a locked container or secured with a key-activated trigger lock.

Finally, the transport of firearms on a bicycle, motorcycle, or any other two or three-wheeled vehicle is prohibited.

The 21st SFS armory is manned 24 hours a day, every day of the year. For more information, contact 719-556-7066.