Trading four wheels for two? Make safety your #1 priority

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Michael Whitley

Spring is here in southern Colorado and the weather has proven to be great for riding, however safety is paramount for Airmen who want to trade in their four wheels for two.

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, 2019 closed out with just over 100 motorcycle fatalities. This year alone Colorado has seen over 20 fatalities, which is up 24% from this time last year. People are out and enjoying their freedom in the great weather, but it is important to be more cautious and take extra care.

Military members interested in riding a motorcycle must first put in a request with their motorcycle unit safety representative for initial training, which they will then have 30 days to complete. They then must undergo intermediate training within a year of completing initial training, with refresher courses required every five years.

Airmen can verify their training through the Motorcycle Unit Safety Tracking Tool or by contacting their unit’s motorcycle safety representative.

Even with proper training and state laws, Airmen should never get on a motorcycle without the proper gear. Proper gear includes a DOT or Snell-certified helmet with a chinstrap, goggles, wrap-around glasses or a full-face shield approved by American National Standards Institute standard Z87.1 for eye protection, a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, long trousers and full-fingered abrasion-resistant gloves, and sturdy over-the-ankle footwear that affords protection for the feet and ankles.

If you have any questions, or you are having any issues identifying your MSR please reach out to the wing safety office at 556-4392 or