Motorcycle Safety

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Eric Wilson
Front Range Personnel,

As we approach the weekend and continue to enjoy beautiful Colorado weather, I ask you to take a moment and think about motorcycle safety. This applies to everyone whether you ride or not.

According to Colorado Department of Transportation, 125 motorcyclist deaths occurred in Colorado in 2016 which is up from 106 in 2015. This year to date Colorado has reported 48 deaths with the prime riding season still ahead. CDOT attributes this spike in fatalities to what they call an "epidemic of distracted drivers."

Enough with the statistics. Bottom line is that if you ride a motorcycle and are involved in an accident (regardless of fault) odds are you will get the worst of it. Please be safe and ride defensively. For those in automobiles please be aware of your fellow motorists and actively look for motorcycle riders...that extra glance could save a life.