SBD 1 rolls out new TCCC first aid training

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Kaitlin Castillo
  • Space Base Delta 1 Public Affairs

The Tactical Combat Casualty Care training is replacing Self Aid Buddy Care as the new Space Base Delta 1 standard first aid course, July 1, 2022.

TCCC is a course that teaches service members to stop massive bleeding, conduct airway assessments, evaluate and identify respiratory distress, identify and treat for shock, and prevent hypothermia. Airmen and Guardians will also learn how to apply tourniquets, combat gauze, bandages and pressure dressings.

Studies show that approximately 50 percent of service members killed in action die from blood loss. TCCC allows military personnel to identify and treat casualties to improve chances of survival before reaching a hospital.

 “This training is reality based,” said U.S. Air Force Police Officer Joshua Miller, 50th Security Forces Squadron civilian trainer. “These skills can be used on deployments, at your home station and even off duty. The skills are simple and easy to implement.”

The training consists of a block of instructions including a slideshow and hands-on practices, which is followed by a scenario based evaluation where students have to apply everything they learned on a casualty.

Since February 2022, 43 Airmen and Guardian instructors and 155 service members have passed the TCCC course.