Garrison signs Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers support agreement

  • Published
  • By Stephen Brady
  • Peterson-Schriever Garrison Public Affairs

Officials from the Peterson-Schriever Garrison signed a support agreement with the Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers, instituting a new crime prevention tactic for the installations.

U.S. Space Force Col. Shay Warakomski, Peterson-Schriever Garrison commander; U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Jaime Hernandez, 21st Security Forces Squadron commander at Peterson Space Force Base; U.S. Air Force Maj. Timothy Marriner, 50th Security Forces Squadron commander at Schriever Space Force Base; and Don Addy, Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers chairman of the board, inked the agreement Nov. 29, 2021, at Schriever SFB, Colorado.

Base residents can now anonymously report crime prevention tips to the Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers will then relay tips to the appropriate jurisdiction, including the 21st or 50th Security Forces Squadrons. Area residents may use the line to report crime prevention tips as well, for both on or off base. If there is an emergency, dial 911.

The agreement is meant to enhance Peterson and Schriever security force’s Operation Crime Stop initiative.

“Some personnel may not feel comfortable contacting the security forces’ base defense operations centers or contacting their local police department directly and providing their contact information,” Hernandez said. “This (memorandum of agreement) establishes Crime Stoppers as an additional asset to the Pike Peak region law enforcement departments, to include the Peterson-Schriever Garrison security forces units and the communities they serve.

“Although Peterson and Cheyenne Mountain are safe communities to live and work, we are not immune to crimes,” Hernandez said. “Security forces and the Office of Special Investigations remain proactive to deter criminal acts from occurring around the installations.”

Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers exists to reduce the crime rate in the Pikes Peak region by helping law enforcement agencies solve crime and bring fugitives to justice.

“Every tip we receive remains anonymous,” Addy said. “The anonymity is essential for when people have information about a crime or a wanted person, they’re able to provide that information without fear of retribution.

“We’re eager to help and offer this opportunity to the garrison, thinking it would be helpful to their personnel and law enforcement section to have added information,” Addy said. “We’re glad to collaborate and happy the garrison is allowing us to serve.”

To anonymously report a crime, on or off base, call (719) 634-7867, or go to