Jan. 16, 2025 DAF to launch National Mentoring Month panels, programs, events NMM introduces the Total Force to a series of panels, events and interactive discussions on mentoring as an enterprise imperative, ensuring greater awareness of the mentoring opportunities available to all Airman and Guardians.
Jan. 14, 2025 Kendall offers vision for the Air Force, Space Force of 2050 SECAF Kendall offers his vision for the security challenges the Air Force and Space Force could face in 2050 and what is needed to properly respond.
Dec. 12, 2024 USSF celebrates its fifth anniversary, sets sights on future as Spacepower Conference concludes Space Force senior leaders outlined a comprehensive vision for the organization's future, marking significant milestones as the service approaches its fifth anniversary.
Dec. 2, 2024 Additional reimbursement authorized for pet transportation from countries with higher rabies risk In response to the new CDC regulation, the department has updated the Joint Travel Regulations to accommodate service members transporting a household pet during a PCS move from a high-risk country.
July 10, 2023 Air Force delays some PCSs, bonuses Higher-than-projected personnel costs are driving a shortfall in FY23 military personnel appropriation. This will have temporary consequences for PCSs, SRBs, and aviation bonuses.