Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • First Guardian graduates Army’s Basic Leadership Course

    U.S. Space Force Sgt. Hunter Meyers, 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron, noncommissioned officer in charge of unit operations, graduated from the Army’s BLC March 22, 2024. This achievement not only marks an achievement for the Guardian, but further demonstrates the growing

  • 15th SPSS: Vigilant Guardians of the Heavens

    Steve Upton, 15th Space Surveillance Squadron, Detachment 1 cyber security systems manager, poses next to a ground-based, electro-optical deep space surveillance sensor at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., Aug. 26, 2022. As a vital part of the Space Surveillance Network, the 15th SPSS’s GEODSS

  • Manning the Mission: Capt Kirsten Pecua

    Imagine a moment, outside of the atmosphere, in the deep distant space, where two satellites collide, resulting in a debris cloud, endangering astronauts in the orbiting International Space Station.Such disasters are fortunately contained with the Human Spaceflight Safety mission in Space Delta 2 –