PETERSON SPACE FORCE BASE, Colo. -- After nearly nine distinguished years of service, Military Working Dog Scooby, a spirited Belgian Malabar, officially retired on November 15, 2024, during a touching ceremony at Peterson Space Force Base. Scooby, renowned for his sharp detection skills and close bond with his handler, Senior Airman Karina Flores, leaves behind a legacy of bravery and dedication.
Scooby’s career began at the 341st Training Squadron, which provides training to military working dogs used in patrol, drug and explosive detection, and specialized mission functions for the Department of Defense and other government agencies. During his time there, his intelligence and work ethic quickly set him apart. Over the years, Scooby specialized in explosives detection and patrol. His service included identifying threats in high-stakes environments and securing bases. He was particularly good at being able to follow the scent of people and animals who came before him.
Despite his unwavering dedication to his job, Scooby had to work with a unique health condition during his service.
“A unique aspect to working with Scooby was his Pannus, an eye disease that requires him to wear polarized lenses while in the sun. This made him of course look very striking and caught the eye of almost everyone we walked past,” said his former handler and current owner, USAF Tech. Sgt. Vaughn Rivard. “This was something I came to accept as a part of working with an awesome dog like Scooby, that everyone else wanted to get to know him too.”
Scooby’s steadfast devotion to service did not go unnoticed by those working at the kennel.
“Scooby impacted the team and mission by being one of the most reliable and dependable dogs at Peterson,” said Rivard. “Scooby was least likely to injure himself or be unable to work due to training issues or anything else. He was also a favorite amongst the kennels as being a big teddy bear.”
Kennel Master USAF Tech. Sgt. Cody Lake also shared his heartwarming memories of Scooby during the ceremony.
“Scooby has been one of the most dedicated dogs I’ve had the pleasure of working with,” said Lake. “In the almost nine years of his service, he has not only faced battles but has thrived in his role. Setting an example and keeping all of us here at Peterson, Cheyenne Mountain and Schriever safe.”
In recognition of his exceptional service, Scooby was coined by U.S. Air Force Col. David Berrios, Space Base Delta 1 deputy commander – Schriever.
Scooby’s retirement marks a new chapter as he transitions from active duty to a life of well-deserved relaxation. He will live with former handles Rivard and his family in North Carolina who have prepared a welcoming home filled with Scooby’s favorite toys and treats.
“Scooby will be spending the rest of his days in sunny and coastal Jacksonville, NC where my wife and I live with our two children, three dogs and a cat,” said Rivard. “Needless to say, Scooby will not miss out on any love or playtime.”
As Scooby moves onto the next chapter in his life, his legacy lives on at the Peterson SFB kennels.
“In the end Scooby was such a unique and beloved part of the kennels at Peterson SFB for so long that he was a part of the persona and feeling of the kennels,” said Rivard. “Now that he has retired and will be enjoying the couch life from now on, the kennels will feel a little different when handlers walk in who knew Scooby used to be there.”
During a test of his abilities, Scooby successfully solved his last mystery by performing a detection on stage which resulted in dozens of Kongs being tossed to him along with a whip cream cake to celebrate the occasion.
Military working dogs like Scooby play an irreplaceable role in national security, often serving on the front lines and forming deep bonds with their handlers. Their retirement ceremonies honor their sacrifices and highlight the unique partnership between humans and animals in the armed forces.
For this canine hero, retirement promises a life filled with love, comfort, and a family grateful for his years of loyal service.