SCHRIEVER SPACE FORCE BASE, Colo. -- In the early hours of March 4, U.S. Space Force Capt. Chris Crayon called the Schriever fire department’s emergency dispatcher due to his pregnant wife Sarah Crayon complaining of staggering abdominal pains.
Schriever firefighter Jake Stratton was present when emergency dispatch received the call.
“I was helping with taking on radio responsibilities when the call came in that a pregnant female was in immense pain,” Stratton said. “I began getting ahold of additional ambulance crews to get onto base and prepare transferring the mother to the hospital.”
Schriever firefighters alongside Legacy EMS Inc. paramedics arrived immediately to the scene of the call—Capt. Crayon’s home.
Upon arrival, the first responders ran upstairs and into the bathroom where Sarah was found lying on the floor in excruciating pain.
Firefighter Kyle Phillips explains that he knew immediately Sarah wouldn’t be able to stand up on her own.
“We were able to wrap the mother in a sheet just to ensure we could transport her,” Phillips said. “We were on scene at the house for probably less than 10 minutes.”
While Phillips and fellow first responders worked on ensuring a safe way to transport Sarah downstairs and into the ambulance, everything became a blur for her.
“I remember lying on the bathroom floor, just knowing the baby was coming soon,” Sarah said. “I couldn’t stand, and I needed to be picked up. The next thing I know, the firefighters are ripping the bedsheets off and created a makeshift stretcher where they then carried me down the stairs and into the ambulance.”
But shortly after Sarah was placed into the ambulance and the family was being driven to the emergency room, Firefighter Brandon Stone noticed that she was crowning.
Stone and the paramedic on scene, Sam Trujillo, were going to have to deliver the baby themselves.
“[Trujillo] was with me in the back of the ambulance, he began preparing the mother for delivery once I noticed the crowning, as he was the paramedic on scene.”
The ambulance quickly detoured and parked in the Schriever SFB Visitor Center’s parking lot. Moments later, with the back doors of the ambulance wide open against a 20-degree wind chill blowing into the vehicle, Matteo Crayon was born into the hands of Trujillo at 4:02 a.m.
The crew acted fast to ensure the safety of Sarah and baby Matteo immediately following his delivery.
“Trujillo was tending to the mother as soon as the baby was born,” Stone said. “We were all trying to warm and dry the baby up as well as give him oxygen—I ended up holding him all the way to the hospital.”
The ambulance arrived at the UC Health Memorial Hospital emergency room moments later where baby Matteo and his mother stayed for 2 1/2 days.
The family is beyond thankful for the Schriever first responders and the commitment they displayed throughout that morning.
Capt. Crayon, who followed behind the ambulance in his own vehicle that morning, states that he knew his family was in good hands.
“I held confidence throughout the entire time that this team would keep my family safe.”
Allen Perry, the Schriever Installation Fire Chief explains that this situation is a perfect representation of what his crew cherishes most—protecting the Schriever community.
“I am so proud of our firefighters and paramedics,” Perry said. “It is a testament to their abilities, readiness and commitment to excellence. We will forever share this incredible moment with the Crayon family.”
The family has since arrived home safely with baby Matteo. According to the parents, his older siblings—14-year-old Christopher and 4-year-old Aiyanna—have enjoyed getting to spend time with their new baby brother.
Media interested in learning more about this story should contact the Peterson & Schriever Public Affairs office at 719-556-5185.