PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Space Delta 2 – Space Domain Awareness held its change of command at 2 p.m. June 14 at Peterson Air Force Base.
U.S. Space Force Col. Matthew Cantore relinquished command to incoming commander U.S. Space Force Col. Marc Brock. Prior to taking command of Space Delta 2, Brock was the chief of the Programs Division, Directorate of Plans, Programs and Financial Management, Headquarters Space Operations Command, also located at Peterson AFB.
Space Delta 2, part of the newly developed U.S. Space Force, has the significant task of providing Space Domain Awareness by monitoring all manmade objects orbiting the Earth. SDA ranges from low Earth orbit, to geosynchronous orbits 22,500 miles out, and beyond. Within that realm lies thousands of objects hurtling around the globe at speeds up to 17,500 mph. Space Delta 2 monitors and catalogs those objects to protect and defend U.S. and ally interests in, from and to space.
Space Delta 2 also has mission personnel and functions distributed across California, Florida, New Mexico, Hawaii, Alabama, Virginia, and Maryland in addition to multiple supporting locations around the world including Australia, Diego Garcia and the Marshall Islands.