Give thanks with CFC

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. John Duda
What a beautiful country we live in! On Thanksgiving, we gathered with family and friends to commemorate the celebration of people seeking freedom from persecution for their beliefs. As citizens of the United States, we have so much for which to be thankful. We are free to openly exchange ideas, engage in life and pursue happiness.

At this time of year, I like to reflect on the many great people, places and things for which I am thankful. I also like to remember those less fortunate than I, and see how I can help them make their lives better.

We serve the greatest nation in the world. Each of us has our own reasons to serve, but we have chosen this vocation of service and prospered for it. In what can best be described as austere times for many in our nation, many helping organizations have experienced drastic reductions in their capability to assist those in need. So as we sit down with our friends and family, enjoying the bounty of our hard work this Thanksgiving, maybe we can find it in our collective conscience to help these organizations who help so many.

Many of the charities supported through the Combined Federal Campaign would not survive these times were it not for your generosity. I ask you to consider donating to these charities through the CFC.

We are entering the final week of the CFC, which has been extended through Dec. 7. Our wing goal is to have 30 percent participation with a financial goal of $315,000. Follow your heart and your conscience as we continue to enjoy the blessings of living in the United States, and help us close this campaign successfully. Share your time, talent and treasure with these worthy causes. I wish all of you the very best holiday and appreciate any gifts you can find in your heart to give to the CFC.