Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

Inspector General

The Commander’s Inspection Program  |  CCIP  |  AFI 90-201

 5.1. General Information
A validated and trusted CCIP is the cornerstone of the AFIS. The Wing IG is responsible to validate and verify self-assessment programs and independently assess the performance of organizations at and below the Wing level. The CCIP should give the Wing Commander, subordinate commanders and wing Airmen the right information at the right time to assess risk, identify areas of improvement, determine root cause and precisely focus limited resources; all aligned with the commander’s priorities and on the commander’s timeline. CCIP also facilitates requests for targeted assistance from the MAJCOM Commander and staff when and where needed. The CCIP will produce two key components: the Self-Assessment Program and the Wing’s Inspection Program executed under the authority of the Wing IG to validate and verify commander self-assessments are accurate and timely, and independently assess effectiveness of subordinate units and programs. These components provide critical data to leadership about the adequacy of policy, training, manpower, funds, equipment, and facilities.

5.1.1. Purpose
The purpose of CCIP is to improve readiness, efficiency, discipline, effectiveness, compliance, and surety in Air Force Wings while allowing Wing Commanders the ability to assess their own unique mission sets in reference to Designed Operational Capabilities (DOC) statements, Mission Essential Task List and Universal Joint Task Lists, mission directives, unit type code (UTC) and other authoritative tasking documents. CCIP will identify a unit's ability to comply with policy and guidance issued from their MAJCOM or HAF. Specifically, the directives that are wasteful and those that are valuable but resource limitations prevent compliance. CCIP will help the Wing commanders reduce the risk of undetected non-compliance. (T-1)

5.1.2. Commander’s Authority to Inspect
IAW 10 USC § 8583 and AFI 1-2, all commanders appointed by G-series orders and Civilian Directors of Military Organizations are required to inspect their organizations. Commanders will inspect to improve unit performance, readiness, efficiency, effectiveness military discipline and quality of life for their Airmen. (T-0)

The Inspector General Complaints Resolution Program

This chapter covers the background, authority, and purpose of the IG system. It defines the roles and responsibilities of IGs and other offices and agencies involved in the IG process. It also covers the organization of the IG system throughout the Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard.

The IG System
The IG system used throughout the total force is based on the concept that IGs serve as an extension of their commander by acting as his/her eyes and ears to be alert to issues affecting the organization. IGs primarily serve their commanders and their assigned organizations both by executing the complaint resolution process and by proactively training all members of the organization about IG processes and fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) issues. A successful complaint resolution program is designed to enhance the organization’s discipline, readiness, and warfighting capability. IGs use fact-finding methodologies to seek out systemic issues affecting the organization.

IGs assist Airmen of all ranks, family members, civilian employees, retirees, and other civilians. These individuals represent the IG’s constituency, and IGs bolster the chain of command by performing a problem-solving mission in support of this constituency.

All IGs must maintain a clear distinction between being an extension of the commander and their duty to serve as fair, impartial, and objective fact-finders and problem solvers. They must be sufficiently independent so those complainants requesting IG help will continue to do so, even when they feel the commander may be the problem. Commanders must support this clear distinction for their IGs to be effective.

Authority of The Air Force Inspector General  |  Statutory Authority
The Inspector General (TIG), United States Air Force, derives statutory authority from Title 10, United States Code, Section 8014 and Section 8020 (10 USC 8014 and 8020). 

In accordance with (IAW) 10 USC 8014, the Secretary of the Air Force has sole responsibility for the function of The Office of the Inspector General of the Air Force (SAF/IG) and provides for deputies and assistants to TIG. As further defined in 10 USC 8014, no other office or entity may be established or designated within the Air Staff to conduct IG functions.

In accordance with 10 USC 8020, when directed by the Secretary of the Air Force or the Chief of Staff, The Inspector General shall:

Inquire into and report upon the discipline, efficiency, and economy of the Air Force.

Perform any other duties prescribed by the Secretary or the Chief of Staff.

AFPD 90-3, Inspector General--The Complaints Resolution Program implements 10 USC 8020. Subordinate inspectors general at all organizational levels below SAF/IG derive their authority from AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution. Within the Air Force, authority to manage the Inspector General CRP is hereby delegated to IGs at all organizational levels.

In accordance with 10 USC 936(b)(6), the authority to administer oaths for the purpose of military administration may be granted to persons designated by regulations of the armed forces. Authority to administer oaths for IG investigations is hereby granted to the IG investigative staff and IOs at all organizational levels. This authority includes not only the administering of oaths to witnesses, but also the administering of oaths to technical advisors and administrative support personnel.

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