Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments, Homecomings, Changes is a new Sesame Street bilingual, multimedia outreach program designed to help support military families with young children experiencing deployments and multiple deployments or when a parent returns home injured.
Kits include:
- Two Sesame Street DVDS
- A Parent/Caregiver Magazine
- A Children's Activity Poster
- Muppet Postcards
Order your FREE Sesame Street kit by visiting Military One Source online at
Or call anytime! For active duty, National Guard, and Reserves (regardless of activation status) and their families.
State side: 1-800-342-9647
Overseas: *800-3429-6477
En espanol llame al: 1-877-888-0727
TTY/TDD: 1-800-346-9188
Visit for an overseas access codes
These kits will also be available as a free download at