Joint Task Force-Space Defense

Joint Task Force - Space Defense

The Joint Task Force-Space Defense, Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado, was formed as a functional component command under U.S. Space Command Aug. 29, 2019, and recognized in an establishing ceremony Oct. 21, 2019.  The Joint Task Force-Space Defense’s mission is, in unified action with mission partners, to deter aggression, defend capabilities and defeat adversaries throughout the continuum of conflict in order to maintain space superiority in the U.S. Space Command area of responsibility.

The JTF-SD executes its protect and defend mission through its operations center, the National Space Defense Center, space domain awareness units and emerging space defense units.

How we win
By providing America and her allies the most lethal and versatile space warfighting organization in the world, operated by the most formidable space warriors, armed with superior domain understanding and ready to employ space superiority capabilities at the time and place of our choosing.

Three core functions:
Space Domain Awareness.  Effectively identify, characterize and understand any factor, passive or active, associated with the space domain that could affect space operations and thereby impact the security, economy or environment of our nation. This function includes generating an integrated sensor plan, high value asset clearing and pattern of life assessment among others.

Indication and Warning.  Conduct 24/7 space and counter-space systems monitoring, identifying threatening and non-threatening activities to issue timely warning to satellite owners and operators. JTF-SD warning and collection informs of adversary capabilities and intent, influences response options and course of action planning and supports U.S. Space Command space attack assessment, operational posture and maintenance schedules.

Space Superiority.  When called, protect and defend U.S. and allied interests in space permitting the conduct of operations at the time and place of our choosing. The Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program is the NSDC’s primary operational system which conducts exquisite intel characterization of on-orbit assets.

Additionally, the JTF-SD executes campaign and contingency planning; exercises, experiments and wargames; and capability integration and on boarding.

Partner Relationships
The JTF-SD, and its National Space Defense Center, provide unprecedented unity of effort with the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community and National Reconnaissance Office to protect and defend against threats in the space domain. Through this partnering, the JTF-SD brings to bear the full force of the U.S. Government and synchronizes space superiority planning and operations.

Today, the threat to the United States’ unfettered access to and freedom to operate in space is real and growing at an increasing pace. As the nation’s focal point for space superiority operations, the JTF-SD and NSDC, along with our mission partners continue to

  • Plan, coordinate an conduct synchronized operations across multiple domains, disciplines, agencies and combatant commands to challenge the threat
  • Develop new operational concepts, tactics, techniques and procedures to protect and defense U.S. equities in the space domain
  • Field new systems and integrate multi-domain capabilities to protect and defend U.S. interests in space
  • Identify new space superiority concepts and requirements to ensure U.S.’s sustained competitive advantage in space.