The Air Force Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (AF TENCAP) Directorate is a US Air Force Air Combat Command geographically separated unit, located at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado.
Air Force TENCAP exploits National space, cyber and intelligence capabilities to deliver rapid, cost-dominant and innovative warfighting solutions across the full spectrum of Air Force and Joint military missions. AF TENCAP is a Congressionally-mandated rapid acquisition organization supporting tactical and operational warfighters, and serves as the Air Force executive agent for the Military Exploitation of Reconnaissance and Intelligence Technologies (MERIT) program. As the Air Force's leader for National-to-Tactical capability development, AF TENCAP collaborates with leading experts across the Intelligence Community, Department of Defense, National Laboratories, industry, inter-agency, academia, and partner nations.
Air Force TENCAP is uniquely tasked to exploit Nationally derived capabilities to deliver tactical effects, bridging Intelligence Community collection architectures, capabilities and technologies with Department of Defense operational requirements while delivering rapid, innovative and cost effective capabilities to meet urgent warfighter needs.
Air Force TENCAP is organized into five divisions
- Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and Combat Applications
- Battlespace Awareness and Command and Control
- Special Operations, Personnel Recovery and Close Air Support
- Mission Programs
- Space Division