WEBVTT 00:09.039 --> 00:11.239 The polar plunge is when a bunch of 00:11.250 --> 00:14.439 people here at literally plunge in the 00:14.449 --> 00:16.505 coldest water that you probably will 00:16.505 --> 00:18.671 ever experience in your life . Uh It's 00:18.671 --> 00:21.569 definitely cold . This is really cold . 00:22.110 --> 00:24.530 Very cold . The only thing that's going 00:24.540 --> 00:26.707 through my head is hard to get it over 00:26.707 --> 00:28.818 with . Just get it over with and push 00:28.818 --> 00:31.151 through it . But it wasn't as cold as I , 00:31.151 --> 00:33.373 I think I anticipated it being way more 00:33.373 --> 00:35.373 cold . Get out . Uh When , when I , 00:35.373 --> 00:37.596 when I dove in you , you have big plans 00:37.596 --> 00:39.707 getting into the water . But when you 00:39.707 --> 00:39.430 actually get in there and dunk your 00:39.439 --> 00:41.217 head under , you're really only 00:41.217 --> 00:43.050 thinking about one thing is just 00:43.050 --> 00:45.272 getting back out of that water . I just 00:45.272 --> 00:47.495 ease my way in . It was , it's too much 00:47.495 --> 00:47.250 to just jump in and jump right out how 00:47.259 --> 00:50.080 to ease myself into it . The first time 00:50.090 --> 00:52.880 I just sent it , I just ran and dunked 00:52.889 --> 00:54.840 in , did it with a good couple of 00:54.849 --> 00:56.905 friends too and that was super fun . 00:56.905 --> 00:58.793 Definitely something that I never 00:58.793 --> 01:00.905 thought I would do . I didn't plan on 01:00.905 --> 01:03.016 doing it . But because I have a great 01:03.016 --> 01:05.182 circle of friends who convinced me , I 01:05.182 --> 01:08.449 did it and I'll never do it again . I 01:08.459 --> 01:10.681 think it's kind of like the poet plunge 01:10.681 --> 01:12.848 is a rite of passage . Once you go out 01:12.848 --> 01:14.903 there and you hop in the water , you 01:14.903 --> 01:17.181 know , you're not wearing your uniform , 01:17.181 --> 01:16.580 you're not , you don't have your 01:16.589 --> 01:18.589 military rank on anymore . And it's 01:18.589 --> 01:21.220 really about getting together around 01:21.550 --> 01:23.709 this situation that we're all in , up 01:23.720 --> 01:27.010 here at Greenland and it's , you're 01:27.019 --> 01:29.130 really kind of getting to know people 01:29.130 --> 01:31.186 at a different level and really what 01:31.186 --> 01:33.241 better way than getting in the water 01:33.241 --> 01:35.408 and freezing your butt off . Oh , just 01:35.408 --> 01:37.463 the morale alone is , it builds that 01:37.463 --> 01:39.980 bond between people . And , um , it's 01:39.989 --> 01:42.100 something , those memories they won't 01:42.100 --> 01:45.669 ever forget . My time has been , I'll 01:45.680 --> 01:47.736 say a whirlwind . It's been a lot of 01:47.736 --> 01:49.958 ups and downs for sure . Um , but I can 01:49.958 --> 01:51.958 say that I've made some of the best 01:51.958 --> 01:54.760 friends in my life here . You think 01:54.769 --> 01:56.880 you're going to Greenland ? You can't 01:56.880 --> 01:58.880 bring your family , you can't bring 01:58.880 --> 02:01.213 anybody . Um , you're going by yourself . 02:01.213 --> 02:03.213 But when you get here , you realize 02:03.213 --> 02:05.220 this is my family . It's kind of , 02:05.230 --> 02:07.300 we're all here together . You know , 02:11.520 --> 02:13.520 the military community here is , is 02:13.520 --> 02:15.520 very small and tight knit . We , we 02:15.520 --> 02:17.631 work together , we play together , we 02:17.631 --> 02:19.687 eat together and those relationships 02:19.687 --> 02:21.742 are extremely important . You know , 02:21.742 --> 02:23.990 there's no city to go talk to people in 02:24.000 --> 02:26.333 or go do stuff . It's like , hey , look , 02:26.333 --> 02:28.444 you know , these are the people we're 02:28.444 --> 02:28.190 here with So you got to make it work . 02:28.199 --> 02:30.366 So I think a lot of people embrace the 02:30.366 --> 02:32.421 fact that , you know , we may not be 02:32.421 --> 02:34.643 able to always talk to our family or we 02:34.643 --> 02:34.210 may not have the internet to face time 02:34.220 --> 02:36.360 all the time . But you do have people 02:36.369 --> 02:38.591 here . You can depend on , you can talk 02:38.591 --> 02:40.813 to and you can lean on in those moments 02:40.813 --> 02:42.813 when you're not able to do that . I 02:42.813 --> 02:45.036 will say that this has for anybody will 02:45.036 --> 02:47.250 make you grow as a person . It's us 02:47.399 --> 02:50.009 here and that's an opportunity to 02:50.190 --> 02:53.000 literally build a relationship with 02:53.009 --> 02:54.898 someone that , you know , is , is 02:54.898 --> 02:56.842 unbreakable . I'll be friends with 02:56.842 --> 02:59.065 these people forever . I just know it . 02:59.279 --> 03:01.501 So the command section goes out to , to 03:01.501 --> 03:03.539 meet and greet all incoming and 03:03.550 --> 03:05.850 outgoing rotators and really the , the 03:05.860 --> 03:08.080 purpose behind that is to provide a 03:08.089 --> 03:10.369 warm welcome to those that are coming 03:10.380 --> 03:12.547 here because , because every time that 03:12.547 --> 03:14.491 rotator flies in , it's either new 03:14.491 --> 03:16.658 people coming here or coming back from 03:16.658 --> 03:18.769 leave on the outgoing rotator . Those 03:18.769 --> 03:21.190 are people that are either going back 03:21.199 --> 03:23.149 to be with their family or they're 03:23.160 --> 03:25.104 completing their mission and , and 03:25.104 --> 03:27.216 really on their way out . So that's , 03:27.216 --> 03:29.669 it's kind of the final farewell . Um 03:29.679 --> 03:31.846 I'm married . I have uh , three kids , 03:31.846 --> 03:34.360 two dogs , three cats , uh , two 03:34.369 --> 03:36.669 lizards . I , I got a big family . I 03:36.679 --> 03:38.679 miss , I miss all of them . I can't 03:38.679 --> 03:40.623 wait to go home and , and see them 03:40.623 --> 03:42.623 again . How much more time . Do you 03:42.623 --> 03:44.790 have left ? A couple weeks ? 24 days . 03:45.029 --> 03:47.380 I'm not counting at all . No . 03:49.779 --> 03:51.919 Oh , man . I got to see things . I 03:51.929 --> 03:54.429 would never thought I would ever like , 03:55.029 --> 03:57.251 who could say they could , they could , 03:57.251 --> 03:59.362 they could just go walk out and stand 03:59.362 --> 04:01.710 on a glacier . I'll always remember 04:01.720 --> 04:03.609 this place . Literally . It's the 04:03.609 --> 04:05.720 coolest , most unique place I've ever 04:05.720 --> 04:05.630 been .